Wednesday 6 February 2008

what to give up for lent?

I didn't make any New Years resalutions this year so I thought I might think about giving up something for lent but what?well I think just the obvious really like chocolate or booze or both, but it is for 6 weeks so I would have to be really strong if I were to do it. So today is the day to start and so far I have not had either yet.I really should think about doing at least one anyway as I could really do with losing a few pounds well half a stone really to be honest!! I think it is easier said than done though so I will do my best and keep you posted.
Off to the health spa in a short while Ron is at the pub, Birthday boy tomorrow so he had started to celebrate already! He will be watching the football later and Iam going to watch Lost that Libby has taken off her laptop so we are looking forward to that.

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